On June 9, 2023, Maria Walls, Beaufort County’s elected Treasurer, had the opportunity to present at the Women in Leadership Summit. The theme for this is inaugural event was Expanding our Influence and was hosted by Beaufort County’s Emerging Leaders, a group focused on cultivating and encouraging the next generation of leaders.

Speaking about innovation, defining it as ‘the introduction of something new,’ Maria discussed the rarity of innovation in government and the natural tendency of human beings to avoid change.

The job of a leader is to solve tomorrow’s problems today.
— Maria Walls, CPA and Treasurer

Innovate yourself: You need to innovate you before you can innovate something else. Identify and grow in the areas you need to improve.

Innovate your people: You cannot introduce anything new unless you’re cultivating your people.

Innovate your mindset: Innovation is a mindset; the act of always introducing something new or looking for the next new thing you need to introduce.

To learn more about Maria and your team at the Treasurer’s Office, meet us here.

All, News, LeadershipJennie Stanek